Disinfected Air in
Your Schools Banks Credit Unions Hospitals Nursing Homes |

Helping you improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) to achieve Healthy Building Status using CLUVAIRE – the Active Air Disinfection System Utilizing Germicidal UVC Technology


The Cost-Effective, Sustainable Solution to Improve Indoor Air Quality

We don't trap - we zap!

No Filters Needed! Our UV-C products are designed with multi-pass UV-C technology so filters are not needed. This is a major cost and time advantage. HEPA filters are more expensive and need to be replaced every 1-6 months.

Proven technology

UV-C is a proven technology that can be up to 99.99% effective against airborne viruses, bacteria and molds.

Patented System

Our UV-C models utilize our Patented and Patents Pending Multi-pass UV-C Technology.

Low Cost Maintenance

The UV-C lamp is low cost and only needs to be replaced every 9,000 hours (8,760 hours in a year). Lamps can be changed out by building maintenance; no electrician needed.

Improve Indoor Air Quality using Cluvaire 2x2 Panel Light with Active Air Disinfection


Active Air Disinfection
Creating Healthy Indoors for Everyone

Protecting the spaces where we work, live, and play with the most effective Germicidal UVC Technology

Improved Air Quality using the Cluvaire Active Air Disinfection System

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Our UVC Active Air Disinfection devices use Philips UVC lamps to neutralize harmful pathogens and allergens in the air, creating a healthier environment for your clients and staff.

Compliance with ASHRAE Standard 241

ASHRAE Standard 241 Compliance

By adhering to this esteemed industry standard, our devices ensure optimal indoor air quality and proper ventilation, making your business a safe haven for customers.

UL Verification of Ventilation and Filtration Certification

UL's Verification

Our devices can help you earn UL's Verification of Ventilation and Filtration Certification. This certification showcases reliability and effectiveness in enhancing indoor air quality.

Energy Efficient Solutions for Healthy building and Indoor Environmental Air Quality

Energy-Efficient Solutions

Our devices are engineered to be energy-efficient, supporting your commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.

EPA recommendations when changing HEPA filters

NO FILTERS to Change

The EPA recommends "when changing the filters, wear gloves, an N-95 respirator or similar, and goggles (without holes) for personal protection...


Active Air Disinfection Solutions

In Room Active Air Disinfection Units Available Today

T-Grid Ceiling Mount
2x2 or 2x4

Seamlessly blends in with current building aesthetics

Floor, Table Top,
or Wall Mount

Different wattages available to make for a personal one-on-one unit or floor/wall unit

Low Profile ADA
Wall Mount

Great for restrooms, hallways, and other tight fit areas

where we can help

Improve Indoor Air Quality with Solutions Tailored to Your Industry

Providing cutting-edge, highly effective active air germicidal UVC solutions to industries worldwide, ensuring safer and healthier environments for employees and customers.

Education Solutions

Learn how our UVC technology contributes to healthier learning environments in schools and universities.

Healthcare Solutions

Discover how our UVC systems enhance infection control in hospitals, clinics, and senior care facilities.

Nursing Home Solutions

Our UVC active air disinfection units prioritize the health and safety of your residents, creating an environment where they can thrive.

Hospitality Solutions

See how we create a safer environment in hotels, restaurants, and entertainment venues.

Commercial Solutions

Explore applications in offices, banks and credit unions, retail spaces, warehouses, and manufacturing facilities.

the cluvaire difference

See the Difference in a Classroom Environment

Icon with lightbulb and question mark demonstrates that Cluvaire is a solution to an indoor air quality problem

PROBLEM: Cross Flow Air Transmission

Moving air from one side of the room to the other can increase the infectious airborne transmission by pulling air directly cross from an infected individual to an uninfected individual. Cross flow air transmission infections can occur even if the source of the airflow is from a sanitized air system because the contamination source is in the room.

Icon with hand and light bulb demonstrating that Cluvaire is an innovative solution

SOLUTION: The Cluvaire Air Panel

In-room multiple point air sanitization is more important than ACH UVC Air Sanitizers positioned above occupied areas. UVC Air Panels create positive pressure sanitized air zones that can reduce airborne person to person transmission.

Icon with hand and money demonstrates that Cluvaire is an economical solution

BENEFITS: Low Cost and Scalable

- Works with existing HVAC systems
- Uses existing light fixture locations and wiring
- Number of units does not change the room lighting level
- Easy to install with low installation cost
- Low annual maintenance and parts cost

Drag the slider to see the effect CLUVAIRE has on the infectious air in the room



Latest Posts & News

Active Air Disinfection using UVC Germicidal Technology is evolving.
Innovations are continuously being implemented.

Check out the latest information here.

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  • Germicidal UVC Technology
  • Indoor Air Quality

the preferred choice

Achieving a Healthy & Resilient Building

The preferred choice to address all your needs and concerns
for a save application of UV lighting to reduce the risk of disease transmission.
All with the added benefits of decarbonization, reduced HVAC energy, and no costly filters to change.

Improved Air Quality using the Cluvaire Active Air Disinfection System

Improve Indoor Air Quality IAQ

Attack it in the air before it gets to any surface!


The Cluvaire Active Air Disinfection devices use Philips UVC lamps to deactivate harmful pathogens, mold, bacteria, and fungus in the air, creating a healthier environment for your building occupants.

Classic Technology Reinvented

UV-C radiation is a proven disinfectant for air, surfaces, and objects.

Proven Technology

The technology has primarily been used in areas with a risk of microbiological contamination and has been used safely and effectively for more than 100 years.

Cost-Effective and Sustainable

No filters to replace! Building maintenance can replace the UVC bulb.

Low Maintenance

 Cluvaire’s built-in lamp life monitor notifies you when the Philips UVC bulb needs to be replaced.

Retrofit - Easy Installation

The Cluvaire hybird retrofit solutions adapt into your existing infrastructure for easy installation.

Retrofit Solution

This retrofit solution allows you to rip out, recycle, and replace the existing fixtures with an active air disinfection fixture solution.

Compliance with ASHRAE Standard 241

Independently Test and Verified

The performance results of the Cluvaire active air disinfection has been independently tested and verified in both lab and real-life scenarios.

Review Test Results

The test results (including Air Changes per Hour) can be made available for review upon request.

Safe to Use in Any Area

The patented inline multi-pass system fully
encloses the UVC light, so the systems are safe to use in occupied spaces.

Review Test Results

The devices are completely safe to operate in any area and are specifically designed to be used in occupied spaces. No ozone production - CARB certified.

Impactful Energy Savings

The CLUVAIRE devices are engineered to be highly energy-efficient. Live testing analysis has shown 50-68% energy savings from the building HVAC system.

Low Maintenance

Supporting your commitment to
sustainability, you can improve indoor air quality while taking the strain off your existing HVAC system and reducing energy consumption with the Cluvaire solution.

ASHRAE Standard 241 Compliance

The Cluvaire system helps your facility exceed the ASHRAE Standard 241-2023, Control of Infectious Aerosols requirements.

Exceeds Standards

Exceeds standards to ensure optimal indoor air quality and proper ventilation.

In-Room Contamination Solution

The Cluvaire system addresses in-room crossflow contamination to reduce the risk of disease transmission.

In-room Crossflow Solution

UVC Air Panels create positive pressure sanitized air zones that can reduce airborne person-to-person transmission.

© 2025 CLUVAIRE by Louvers International

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